The modules
The participants of the TAMEB-project get the chance to receive a certificate through different constructional modules approved by the Turkish Ministry of Education in order to be available as an employee for future constructional tasks in Syria as well as the Turkish construction industry.
BFW NRW gGmbH has the role of organizing and performing the professional consulting for the educational offer in Turkey in corporation with the STAglobal.
Young adults are being introduced to qualified occupations in structural engineering, civil engineering and extension through flexible modules approved by the Turkish Ministry of Education. Afterwards, the acquired skills are approved and certificated by internal checks.
The theoretical and practical qualification (1 months per Qualification-Module) can be achieved in one of the following fields:
Plastic pipe fitter
Plastic pipe fitter
A qualification in the subject area of “plastic pipe connections” as a “plastic pipe fitter” is part of the original subject area of pipe construction, which is one of the focal points of ABZ Kerpen. ABZ Kerpen offers pre-qualification courses to both beginners and advanced students in the gas and water sector. ABZ Kerpen is accredited by the German Association of the Gas and Water Industry (DVGW) as a training center.
The training offer is aimed at participants who would like to learn all the essential topics of underground plastic pipeline construction in the field of “plastic pipe connections”. The participants receive basic knowledge of the maintenance of pipe and sewer systems. They acquire technical and theoretical basics, which are adapted to requirements in practice. The training is based on the current technical regulations.
The qualification in plastic pipe connections, which is planned by the Turkish Ministry of Education to be provided over 192 hours, is subdivided in TAMEB II with the corresponding hours as follows:
Contents defined by the Turkish Ministry of Education:
- Geometric drawings
- Reading and drawing plans
- Dimensioning and perspective
- Preparing plastic pipes for installation
- Preparing plastic pipes for mounting
- Installation of plastic pipes
ABZ Kerpen offers the following course content for this purpose (Overview of topics):
- Basics of pipeline construction
- Technical material basics
- Dimensioning of cross-sections
- Read and create plans
- Making dimensional sketches, plans of fittings, isometric sketches
- Making pipe connections
- Installation and assembly of plastic pipes
- Health and safety at work
- Practical exercises and quality assurance
- Final written exam
Theoretical and practical exercises in the following topics related to plastic pipe connections:
- Fitting plans, measurement sketches, fitting length calculations
- Mechanical connection technologies
- Clamp connections
- Plastic plug connections
- Screwed connections
- Welded joints
- Hot plate welded joints
- Electrofusion welding joints
- Quality assurance and material testing
Certificate for Plastic pipe fitter
Within 192 hours, the qualification content, which corresponds to the specifications of the Turkish Ministry of Education, can be imparted in such a way that the participants are certificated as “Certified Installers of Plastic Pipelines”, even with no previous knowledge.
ABZ Kerpen is a leader in the field of pipeline construction and creates added value for the Turkish partner through its technical contribution in both theoretical and practical terms. ABZ Kerpen thus supports the Turkish partner in capacity building through both trainer and trainee training in this field of qualification.
House and Corporate Cleaning
House and Corporate Cleaning
Qualifications in the subject area “House and Corporate Cleaning” are aimed at participants (according to MONE) who meet the following requirements:
- Have completed at least primary school;
- Have reached the age of 13;
- Have the ability (physical, psychomotor) to perform the basic skills predicted by the course program
The 233-hour qualification in “Building Cleaning” provided by the Turkish Ministry of Education is subdivided in TAMEB II with the corresponding hours as follows:
Contents defined by the Turkish Ministry of Education:
- Application of health and safety regulations
- Explanation of the work carried out for the execution of house and furnishing services.
- Application of hygiene and sanitary rules
- Ensuring personal hygiene and preparation for work,
- Cleaning tools, and the surface to be cleaned according to the characteristics of the tool in use,
- Cleaning the living area according to the cleaning plan,
- Performing stain removal,
- General surface cleaning,
- Regular cleaning of houses and facilities,
- Housekeeping,
- Cleaning of bathrooms,
- Furniture cleaning,
- Execution of works for the collection and disposal of solid waste
ABZ Kerpen and its Turkish partner STL Global offer the following course content (Overview of topics):
- Health and Safety at work,
- Environmental protection,
- Order taking, planning and preparation of work tasks,
- Application of surface treatment agents,
- Use of ladders, scaffolding, fall protection, lifting platforms and facade access systems,
- Use of cleaning equipment and cleaning machines,
- The conducting of cleaning, disinfection, maintenance and conservation work,
- Cleaning and maintenance of traffic facilities and traffic areas,
- Implementation of hygiene, pest control and decontamination measures,
- Quality management.
Theoretical and practical exercises in the following topics of cleaning (as per the Ordinance on Vocational Training for Cleaning Contractors):
- Health and safety at work,
- Environmental protection,
- Order taking, planning and preparation of work tasks,
- Application of surface treatment agents,
- Use of ladders, scaffolding, fall protection, lifting platforms and facade access systems,
- Use of cleaning equipment and cleaning machines,
- The conducting of cleaning, disinfection, maintenance and conservation work,
- Cleaning and maintenance of traffic facilities and traffic areas,
- Implementation of hygiene, pest control and decontamination measures,
- Quality management.
Certificate: Building cleaner
masonry construction
Production of structure made from stone
- Production and checking of mortar according to instructed mixing ratio
- Building masonry out of small and medium stones
- Covering holes in masonry with small stones as well as prefabricated parts
Production of plaster
- Evaluating ground
- Using mounting parts and setting plaster profile, laying expansion joints
- Applying rough cast by hand
- Producing one-layer plaster
Setting and laying tiles and panels
- Evaluating, cleaning and leveling of the ground
- Cutting tiles and panels as well as making holes
- Setting, laying and grouting tiles and panels by thick-bed-method
- Setting, laying and grouting tiles and panels by thin-bed-method
Production of components for dry construction
- Evaluating ground based on load-bearing capacity and dimensional stability
- Pretreating ground for better load- bearing capacity and adherence
- Preparing mortar of plaster
- Preparing dry plaster for walls
- Filling in gaps
concrete and reinforced construction
Production of components made from concrete and reinforced concrete
- Putting up wooden formwork for rectangular foundations, support pillars, walls, beams and gaps, treating them with separating agents
- Taking down, cleaning and storing wooden formwork
- Producing reinforcement by cutting, bending and binding rebar
- Cutting reinforced concrete mats to size
- Building in reinforcement with spacer
- Producing concrete according to instructions and checking for process capability
- Using, compacting, removing and giving follow-up treatment by hand
Working with wood and production of wooden joints
- Differentiating woods by purpose
- Measuring and marking wood for workpieces
- Working on wood with tools, especially sawing, chiseling, rasping, polishing and drilling
- Producing wooden joints by nailing and screwing